Ready? Set? Crawl!
Today is my nieces’ first birthday. Just over a year ago this time, my whole family was davening for a miracle, two miracles actually. Thank G-d, I can sincerely say that our tefilos were answered.
It was roughly 3 am when my brother-in-law called my mother from the hospital to tell her that they couldn’t stop my sister’s premature labor. And he asked her to daven. My mother immediately called my brother (twas during his kollel stint at the Mir) and told him to go to the Kotel. Then she called my aunt in Bayit VeGan and caught her just as she was on her way out the door to visit my grandparents’ graves and asked her to daven for my sister there as well. At this point I was trying to chop in a few hours of sleep before my two midterms, and had no idea my sister was in labor. Moreover, I had no clue that she was carrying twins. I woke up to find a note under my door that read, “Tami had twin girls last night.” After the initial shock wore off, the reality set in—and I simply didn’t know how to react. My nieces both clocked in at less than two pounds; when my parents went to see them in the NICU, both burst into tears. My nieces spent the next 2 ½ months in the hospital, and my father went there almost every single day to visit his grandchildren, and to say Tehillim. Even when they finally did come home, their condition was still somewhat precarious. But now—now they have grown into two beautiful, healthy girls. הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חםדו
At 7:18 PM, Anonymous said…
Mazal Tov!
At 9:10 PM, Anonymous said…
l'heyot yehudee b'secular campus... u are not alone :-)
i just made a mockumentary about college kids who are addicted to google... ithink ull like it :-)
At 1:35 PM, Jonah said…
I didn't know you could put Hebrew onto an English language blog. How do you do that?
At 1:41 PM, Devorah said…
Jocko--It's actually quite simple. Use a separate program to type in Hebrew and then cut and paste.
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