The Teflon Guerrilla's Demise
I was in the Hillel today (hunger does strange things to people..) when they just so happened to be discussing the topic du jour, the archetypical terrorist’s death, and whether of not they should feel somber. Some articulated how revolting it would be for anyone to express joy. I played the PC game for a bit, and instead of explaining why joy is perhaps at least somewhat justified, I focused on why perhaps many people rightfully feel relieved. One girl started talking how she really pitied Arafat’s daughter, thus ending my PC run…
I turned on the news reports about said terrorist, curious to see how they would spin the legacy of a mass-murder who was always “more about politics and prime time than Palestine.” In the middle of the segment, the reporter zeroed in on a small group of settlers singing and dancing. Despite their best effort to exaggerate the scene, it was obvious from the footage that there were less than 10 men present (one might have thought otherwise from just hearing the report). I felt a slight twinge in my stomach. Granted the media’s version was distorted—but dancing in the street??? That’s what some Palestinians did when word of 9-11 spread. The parallel it drew was disturbing, and came a little too close to robbing us of the higher moral ground.
At 3:20 AM,
Eli7 said…
"higher oral ground," huh?
At 8:40 AM,
Devorah said…
Oy Vey. I must say though, that's a bemusing typo....Shall fix!
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thats what you get from attending a college as liberal as the one you are in.
At 10:50 AM,
Devorah said…
Anon -
For crying out loud, ALL SECULAR COLLEGES ARE UBER-LIBERAL! I attend one nonetheless and have learned to dismiss most of what is spewed in my direction as PC garbage. And FYI, I avoid Hillel unless I’m really hungry. Sheesh.
At 1:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
let's stop fretting about the "the ignorant american people" and start talking sense. there is a difference between rejoicing at a terrorist's death and rejoicing at his actions.
At 2:05 AM,
Devorah said…
I assuming this is the same anon. Actually, it makes a lot of sense to worry about public opinion. It’s common knowledge that Israel has been losing its PR war (some would argue due to partisan infighting, etc.) The advent of media watch groups solely dedicated to fighting bias in Middle East reporting certainly substantiates this claim. So I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the issue.
I concur, “There is a difference between rejoicing at a terrorist's death and rejoicing at his actions.” That difference, however, is not immediately obvious to viewers of a national broadcast. And honestly, dancing in the streets about death of a terrorist IS inappropriate. Aside from just callous, it’s utterly irresponsible to parade joyously in front of the components of the liberal media. There is absolutely NOTHING good that can come from it. For a more halachic discussion of how one should react to Arafat’s death, see the link in the original post to Hirhurim.
At 8:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
yes, i am the same anonymous. and yes, i believe that nothing constructive comes from antagonizing the public. however, we must not condemn those who were truly moved to rejoice. ignorance is not dispelled with fear but with education. as for the halacha, there may be some who disagree with hirhurim.
At 12:17 PM,
Eli7 said…
Lot's wife got turned into salt for LOOKING at the destruction and demise of her evil neighbors. There is nothing admirable about rejoicing in someone's death, regardless of how evil he was or how deserved his death was. We're not the judges and we have no right to condemn others - that's God's job. I'm not saying you shouldn't be remotely happy about it, but dancing in the streets over someone's death?! Regardless of who that person is and how we judge him and the terrible things he did, Devorah's right; that's something the terrorists do.
At 1:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
oh, sorry, you are right. no more joy for me. Just Moral Equivelancy and the hope that ignorant masses will embrace me. I'm sure Kofi Anan would approve of everything he finds in your siddur. Lot's wife? Don't we all spin gragers?
At 10:29 PM,
Devorah said…
Anon –
Oh Please. I’m not impressed by you over-the-top sarcasm. I certainly am not equating the murder of innocents to rejoicing about death. I feel absolutely no sadness in Arafat’s death. In fact, I feel somewhat relieved and hopeful for the future. But should I dance in the street? NO! Why? Because such behavior is despicable. I could care less what some terrorist-sympathizer at the helm of the United Nothings thinks of my religious practices. But I do my utmost to act in a way that will make a Kiddush Hashem to all those I encounter. Therefore I will not sink to the level of blood-thirsty terrorists when expressing my emotions in the public arena.
Wait a second—did you just agree with me?!? ;-)
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bullshit. All the secular colleges that have a sizable Jewish population are uber-liberal; there are quite a few others that are uber-conservative.
At 11:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Moral High Ground? I'm sorry. I don't think we can claim that, you know, being an occupying power and all.
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