The Lone Ortho

Marooned on a secular college campus, I created this blog for the dual purpose of venting and sharing my experiences, pleasant and otherwise. Join me as I traverse the treacherous terrains of galus; it's been a harrowing, yet worthwhile journey thus far. Feel free to partake in the smattering of snide remarks, random Paul Simon references, and utterly ridiculous CS jokes.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Wishing I was Tired

Decided to check out the nearby Shopper’s seeing as how it was close to four in the afternoon and I hadn’t eaten lunch. (And stumbling into a hungry Jew is NOT a pleasant encounter ;-) It was there that I chanced upon one of my favorite my caffeine fixes: “Cappuccino Coolers.” I'm not a big coffee fan (read: Even with countless spoonfuls of sugar I can barely choke it down in times of desperate need); however, I quite enjoy this glorious stuff and depended on it to keep me awake during "CS325: Compiler Design" which was sadistically taught at 8:30 am. I’m currently on my second cup. Better cancel those plans to go to sleep early…


  • At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ahh, the wonders of coffee. I've spent many a late night solely powered by super-caffinated iced coffee from the campus coffee shop and have successfully written many papers with credit going completely to the stuff. Which leads me to state that caffeine is a drug. Hell, if marijuana is illegal, maybe coffee should be to. Not that this is a political suggestion - I know few people who could survive college without it, but my current adddiction to it is slightly disturbing. Any takers for developing a twelve step program?

  • At 4:48 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

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  • At 4:49 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

    Eli7 -
    Yesterday, my boss mentioned that the way she quit smoking was by drinking Mountain Dew, (a HIGHLY caffeinated soda), every time she wanted a cigarette. One of my teammates responded with the following incisive remark: “Ah…switching from one drug to another.”


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