The Lone Ortho

Marooned on a secular college campus, I created this blog for the dual purpose of venting and sharing my experiences, pleasant and otherwise. Join me as I traverse the treacherous terrains of galus; it's been a harrowing, yet worthwhile journey thus far. Feel free to partake in the smattering of snide remarks, random Paul Simon references, and utterly ridiculous CS jokes.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Progamming Pichifkes

For anyone who has ever taken a computer science class, you absolutely must read this. It’s literally a profile of every single boy who has ever been in any of my CS courses.

While we’re talking about programming, here’s a healthy dose of Tom quotes:

In explaining thread synchronization in Java:
“You wouldn’t want to sleep for 3 days. You might miss something.”

Responding to Evan’s questioning of the spelling of the words *foo* and *fubar,* which are standard geek terminology:
“You have long ways to go in your quest for geekdom.”

Update: Lucky for me I'm not on some half-witted quest for geekdom. One of my classmates just informed me that fubar is actually an acronym, one that probably doesn't belong on my site. Ah, well......


  • At 3:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my brother and i have substiuted mubar. better, cleaner acryonym, and sounds very israeli with the right emphasis. go secular college. nice blog.



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