The Lone Ortho

Marooned on a secular college campus, I created this blog for the dual purpose of venting and sharing my experiences, pleasant and otherwise. Join me as I traverse the treacherous terrains of galus; it's been a harrowing, yet worthwhile journey thus far. Feel free to partake in the smattering of snide remarks, random Paul Simon references, and utterly ridiculous CS jokes.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Benedict Arnold in Stilettos

I’m a traitor. For years I have derided my peers for masochistically donning high heels. Alas, I too have succumbed. While shopping in the mall, these shoes caught my eye. I tried them on. The infatuation was instant. I had to buy them—and I did. Have I completely betrayed my tomboy beginnings?

(Eli7—you should have plenty of ammo by now…)


  • At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    While I could go on and on about this one (and probably will down the road - think your OS page, IY"H, poo, poo, poo). I'll leave it at one short (but to my mind, sweet) comment for the moment: now, who's changing who? Next thing you know, someone is going to wake up as a Democrat! :)

  • At 4:57 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

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  • At 4:58 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

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  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

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  • At 5:02 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

    Hold on a finally adopting your preferred footwear is in no way comparable to your adopting some of my more right-wing views.  And Chalila v'Chas!!!!  If I wake up a Democrat you'll be able to say "Olam Hafuch Ra'iti"
    (Yes, I stole both the quote and the link from another blog)

  • At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, one step at a time. For all the flak i've gotten about my footwear from you and some nameless others, those shoes you bought are a big deal... and a major step in my liberal direction.

  • At 12:51 AM, Blogger Devorah said…

    Buying the shoes was taking a step in your direction??? Apparently my corniness has rubbed off as well... אך שיהיה ...You know that the passage of time has only cemented my conservative views. If you recall, I *almost* had you convinced that Chazal were on my side :-P

  • At 8:55 AM, Blogger Keren Perles said…

    Hey neat! I'm a "nameless other"? I've always wanted to be one of those...

    Incidentally, I've got heels too. But styletto??? Dear dear, I'm ashamed of you ;)

  • At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey nameless other! i'm glad i have someone else on my side in this battle! incidentally, i bought 2 pairs of shoes yesterday (just what i needed) and both pairs were flats. so there. and devorah, corny puns aside (and that's more stx rubbing off on me than you) buying those shoes means you agree with me on something - that beautiful shoes are worth being in ridiculous amounts of pain. (a comment yesterday to someone forced me to admit, btw, that all my shoes are painful.)now that might not quite be turning you into a democrat, but it'll happen. i have faith.

  • At 1:39 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

    Could it be?? Could my dear friend aspiring to be an editor have misspelled “stiletto” ??? I’m not mekabel.

  • At 12:59 AM, Blogger TRW said…

    I noticed the misspelling on our dear stx as well...must have been intentional...she doesn't make mistakes...
    But for all the liberals out there that think that wearing heels makes you more liberal, I am the staunchest conservative (member of College Republicans and all), and at a petite (gotta love the termanology) 5'0, I always wear heels-stillettos it comes in the conservatives as well and is no sign of political leaning..

  • At 2:36 AM, Blogger Devorah said…

    Eli7 never posited that wearing heels is in any way connected to one’s political leanings. She was merely trying to substantiate her claim that she’s been rubbing off on me as well. (With your permission, Eli7, I’d love to post the ground rules of our lil bet ;-) And for the record, we all know you’re not really 5”0, but a mere 4”11 ¾ ….

  • At 4:31 PM, Blogger TRW said…

    Thanks, darlin' were always wonderful for my self-esteem...

  • At 10:30 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

    You should thank your lucky stars that you’re short, hun. The advantages are innumerable. First, you can actually find skirts that cover your knees in just about any store. Second, you can have one strong hold over a basket ball (have you ever tried stealing the ball from the (former) Dina G. while she was dribbling? It’s virtually impossible!) And then there’s that lovely little fact that Jewish boys are short.
    So, has your self-esteem rebounded?

  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger TRW said…

    Disclaimer...Devorah did not have any negative affect on my self-esteem (not in this instance, anyway..;) ). I guess I'm too sarcastic sometimes..tho for you not to get you anyway!

  • At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Devorah - Posting the ground rules of our bet would ruin it if i win cuz then everyone would know why you did what you'd have to do. not that it's incredibly likely that i'll win, but hey it could happen... (and at this rate, you're not gonna win either.)

  • At 6:28 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

    Well, I could beseech my dear readers to help me win without telling them the consequences I would suffer if I sadly lost. I’m just afraid I wouldn’t survive to reap the benefits…My intuition tells me you would not be so keen on me such a post (is that an obvious understatement ;-) and hell hath no fury like a woman’s wrath…

  • At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, you would be pretty injured - those stilleto heels make pretty good weapons... :)

  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger Devorah said…

    I’m well aware. That’s part of the reason I would love to asser such sadistic footwear at weddings…Between dancing like a meshugena and being stepped on by girls in shoes that don’t belong on a crowded dance floor, I tend to end every wedding with a cheesy invocation of “I can’t feel my legs, Kaiser.”


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